1. Kindle books
Instant gift. You can buy it and have it delivered right to your reader. Just go to the page of the Kindle book you want to order, and click on the button that says "Give as a Gift." It will direct you to a page where you can enter his or her email address and complete the order. The cool thing about it is, you can even set up when you want the book to be delivered. So you could buy it tonight, but set it up so it doesn't show up in the inbox until tomorrow morning. Or you can have it delivered to you in order to pass it on yourself. You can even add your own message. Pretty neat, huh?
Some books I suggest considering are:
Let Them Eat Cake
Aurora Abroad*
The Clockwork Scarab
2. A subscription to Oyster
I confess, I haven't tried it out myself yet, but Oyster is a subscription service that allows you to read as many books as you want (including many new releases) for about $10 a month. You can check it out HERE.
3. An Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card
You can pick one of these up at your local CVS (and most grocery stores sell them as well). While some people don't like the idea of giving gift cards, it does allow your reader to choose what books he or she wants. Gift cards work well for those who have very selective tastes when it comes to books.
4. A bookmark
For those who still love the feel of a book in their hands (or who refuse to join the e-book world entirely), bookmarks are a beautiful (and sometimes quirky) way of marking where they are without creasing the pages or ripping off part of a napkin. Most stationary stores (think Hallmark) are sure to have a selection with either beautiful pictures or fun sayings on them.
5. A fuzzy blanket
I don't know about you, but I love snuggling under a warm, soft blanket when I'm getting ready to delve into the pages of a book. And many stores, including Walmart and JCPenney, sell the 50''x60'' ones which are the perfect size (well, unless you're really tall).
What other gifts would you suggest for book lovers?
*These are associate links, meaning if you purchase through them I get a referral fee but they cost the same as if you had just gone and ordered them through Amazon.
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