* * *
Excerpt from Thorn Changer by Christy Reed
Her shoulder throbbed. She grimaced and sat up, a hand to
her head. Something orange glimmered in the corner of her eye, on her cheek. She
wiped her hand over it, and the orange slippery glitter rested on her palm. She
wiped it on her cloak, and then scrubbed her face with the edge of the fabric. Light
peeped in from the tent opening. No guards outside, no shadows across the tent.
She reached into her belt pouch and started to put on her metal-studded gloves.
The cloak began to glow brightly. She tore it off her, and threw it. It
vanished before the fabric touched the ground. She shivered. What was that?
She rose to her knees, and rubbed the back of her aching
head. Her lips stung. Her probing fingers stopped as they felt the crusty
blood. But somehow there was no bruise on her cheek. She shook her head, and
almost wanted to laugh. “Looks like you’ve got yourself into something, Skey. Who
knew Cinote was so smart? I didn’t think those idiots could find their own
feet, let alone that map I dropped. But how did they get here so fast? Unless
Cinote had them here in the first place.”
Was that it? Had he known what she planned to do from the
beginning? Had someone realized the map was missing?
She shook her head. If they had, they wouldn’t have let her
keep it. Maps weren’t cheap, and definitely weren’t something you’d let
prisoners have.
How would he have known to send men to Beolki, anyway?
She bowed her head and sighed. Oh well. She’d just have to
figure out another way to escape him. If she could just get to one of the
Beolkin nobles’ castles… Once there, she could disappear. At least for a while.
Right now, though, she’d do better to make up a plan for getting out of this
“Miagulow. Yeah!”
Her head darted up. “What was that?”
Steel clanged. “They’ve been attacked,” she scrambled to her
feet. Her harp rested by her. She snatched it up.
Cloth ripped. The beam of light widened as she turned back
to the door, only to be darkened as a man’s form ducked in. “Ah,” he halted. “What
do we have here? A lass, it looks like.”
Skey stood up, and slung the harp over her shoulder. “A
minstrel,” the soldier laughed. “Well, you’ll come in handy. You can write a
song about our victory.”
“I write songs for no one unless I choose to.” How could she
get by him?
The burly soldier chuckled. “Ah, you’re a feisty one. That’s
good. They write the best songs.”
“Try this for a song,” Skey struck him right below the jaw.
He let out a roar. Another when she kicked his legs out from
under him. She darted past him, but he seized her ankle. She fell, and kicked
herself free. She jumped up, and ran. He was right behind her. “Get the lass.”
Skey darted around the tents. Soldiers were ducking in and
out of them, shredding the fabric with their blades. Too busy to notice her. Now
where was that gate? There. She ran toward it, and skidded to a halt. Two soldiers
had just swung it shut.
The soldier seized her arms. Fire rippled through her right
shoulder. She kicked him hard. He grunted, tightening his grip as he looked
about. “I can’t keep hold of her.”
A soldier and a captain ran toward him. One grabbed her
legs, while the captain drew his dagger. “I’d be still, if I were you.”
Skey froze as the cold metal brushed her throat. The captain
nodded to the burly one. “You take charge of her. Keo, watch her, keep your
blade drawn. We’ll see what the prince has to say.”
Keo relinquished his hold on her legs, and drew his own
knife. Skey tried not to swallow as the steel touched. The captain watched her
a moment, then sheathed his blade. “Much better. March.”
Skey scanned the camp as they headed toward the center. There
had to be another way of escape. The soldier holding her laughed. “You’re meek
enough now, lass. Tired?”
“Maybe your face finally got to her, Paylor,” the other
soldier teased.
The first glared at him. “Most like to be your face that
scared the tongue out her, Keo.”
“Perhaps she’s the wisest of you blockheads, keeping her
mouth shut that I don’t yell at her like I am at you,” the captain glared back
at them. “Now shut up.”
They reached the center of the campsite. On the other side
of it, a lad not much older than her sat tall astride his horse as he talked
with two soldiers. The general? He’s
awful young, she tried not to smirk as he ran long fingers through his
spiky orange hair, then folded his arms across his chest and laughed. He doesn’t look much like a general.
“Prince Kotua,” the captain waved, stopping Skey a few yards
away. “We’ve a prisoner.”
His ice blue eyes sparkled as he turned to them. “A
prisoner, you say? Well, she sure isn’t a prisoner I’d expect to find here. In
the Iezomen army camp.” He smiled. “A minstrel, are you? Since when does
General Siboma have a minstrel in his camp? He must’ve gotten a better sense of
humor since I last met him.”
Skey didn’t answer. What a stupid grin. As if he didn’t
expect her to reply, Kotua went on. “What shall we do with you? If only my
uncle could see you. I’m sure he’d find you like no other.” He rubbed his chin.
“Maybe I should take you with us. My uncle might like another minstrel for his
castle. Maybe he’d give me a break from looking at those state papers.”
“I sing for who I choose, and no other,” Skey pulled away
from the soldiers. They reached for her, but Kotua held up his hand. “I was
seized for no cause. I demand you release me.”
The prince laughed. He laughed way too much. “So you can
talk. I was beginning to wonder, you know.” He shook his head. “A mute
minstrel. That’s like a blind artist. Or a deaf scribe.”
“Will you release me?”
“You remind me of my uncle. He acts the same way, you know. All
business, no fun. Or at least when he has a game to win. Which’s been often
lately, considering the war and all.” He shook his head. “I’m afraid I can’t. I’ll
have to take you with me, in case you’re a spy or something like that. But, not
to worry. A few days in the dungeon and you’ll be as free as one can be. That
being, of course, that you don’t know anything that’d warrant you being dead
Her jaw clenched. She wouldn’t be imprisoned again. “You’ll
not have an easy time of it.”
“Easy or not, I still have to do it.” He looked to her
captors. “Bind her.”
Skey struck the one called Paylor as he tried to seize her,
and gave Keo a sharp kick in the side. The captain caught her about the waist. She
elbowed him sharply in the ribs. Kotua swung down from his horse, his eyes not
as laughing as they’d been. “You’ve a temper like my uncle, too.”
He grabbed her wrist. Her fist came in contact with his jaw.
He rubbed it with his other hand, but his grip didn’t loosen. “You sure hit
hard for a little lass.”
Skey’s teeth clenched. “I’m not a little lass.” A sharp kick
hit his shin.
He winced. “And you kick hard, too.” The laughter changed to
a scowl. Her other hand was trapped with her first one, as his arm seized her
about the waist. “I don’t have time for fooling around, lass. I’ve papers to
look to when I get back.”
Skey struggled to get her hands free. She drove her elbows
backwards into his ribs. “You’re getting there without me.” She wrenched away,
and sprinted toward the horse. It squealed, almost rearing as she threw herself
into the saddle. She forced it down, digging her heels into the creature’s
The steed took off as its hooves struck the ground. “Stop
her.” She glanced over her shoulder. Kotua stumbled after her, one hand
gripping his side. A blood-drenched bandage peered through the tatters. “Don’t
let her escape.”
She kicked down a soldier who grabbed at her foot, and
charged on. The gate was still closed, but it and the walls weren’t much taller
than the prince. This horse could jump over it, given a running start. She
drove her heels harder into the beast’s sides. Her heart kept time with its
hooves. The horse had to make it. “Come on,” she whispered in its ear. “You can
do it, boy. It’s only a little jump.”
“To the gate. Come on. It’s closed. She can’t possibly
Didn’t he realize the power of his own horse? Good thing she
had taken it then.
The gate loomed up in front of them. The horse stiffened. “You
can do it, boy.”
“Make sure the gate’s secured,” the prince was still behind
her. “I don’t want her slipping through.”
“I know you can. Just don’t think about it.” The pupil of
its eye grew wide as they neared the gate. “Just jump when I say. Okay?” Her
eyes scanned the wooden structure, the only barrier between her and freedom. “Ready?”
The horse’s eye grew wider, but he didn’t slack his pace. “Stop
her.” Skey smiled at the dismay in the prince’s voice. So he finally realized
what she planned to do? Took him long enough.
She leaned closer in to the horse. The time had come. “Jump.”
They were flying through the air, the wind whipping against
their bodies. The hooves struck the ground hard on the other side of the gate. She
clenched her teeth against the jar, her rear bouncing hard against the saddle. “Now
run,” Skey hissed.
There was no need. The speed the horse had built up kept him
going. The gate burst open. She glanced back over her shoulder. A group of
horsemen urged their steeds after her. Prince Kotua rode at their head, no
smile on his face now.
“She must be a spy, or a deserter. We can’t let her get
She spurred her horse on faster, toward the city looming up
ahead. Smoke and char wafted from the blackened ruins visible through the
sagging gates. She coughed, her eyes watering. So that general had attacked
this city. But he’d lost. Those chasing her now weren’t the same that had captured
her before.
They were gaining. Foam gathered on her horse’s mouth,
flying back and spattering her cheek. Its sides heaved under her, its gait
slightly off. It wouldn’t be able to go much farther. She glanced up at the
city. They were almost there. If they could only make it. “Come on, my friend. You’re
tired, I know, but we’re almost there. Just a little farther, and you’ll be
able to go where you please. They’ll never find me in there.”
“We’re gaining on her,” Kotua’s voice was close enough to make
her uneasy. “Come on, only a little farther.”
She turned her eyes to the wall. The moments passed like
hours. “Come on. Only a few yards more.”
The wall reared itself up but a yard in front of them,
broken here and there but mostly still intact. Skey wheeled the horse from it,
and jumped off. Her fingers clawed at the rocks, as she scrambled up over them.
She lost her footing when her hands reached the edge, and she hung there for a
moment until she was able to scramble onto the top. “She’s on the wall,” Kotua
grabbed the reins as the riderless horse bucked and reared. “Easy, boy, easy. After
her,” he waved his men on. “If she escapes, it’ll not be well for the one who
caused it.”
Skey scrambled away from the edge, and catapulted herself
off toward the guardhouse roof. Arrows whistled in her wake, and struck the
wall by her as she clawed at the edge of the roof. “I didn’t say I wanted her
dead,” Kotua’s voice rose over the wall, over the sound of men running toward
the steps down and other running through the city gates. “I want her alive,
unhurt, if possible.”
Like that was going to happen. No more dungeon days for her.
She scrambled onto the roof, and scuttled across the shingles, making for the
lower part of the roof. She jumped down, and took off to the other side of the
city. Armor clanked and men yelled right behind her. If she could escape them
long enough to hide… She’d give them the slip come nightfall.
“There she is.” She glanced back. They were barely a score
of yards behind her. They were fast, even in mail. She bowed her head to the
wind, and ran even faster.
The gap widened as she veered left. An alley loomed up
ahead. She sprinted to the opening, slipping in just as the guards rounded the
corner. She pressed herself against the shadowed wall, and held her breath as
they passed by. As their footsteps sounded down the road, she let out a sigh of
relief, trying not to breathe in the rotting vegetables and human filth. She
was safe. For now at least.
Green filled her vision, the pin feathers sprouting. As a dingy
gray sparrow she flew up and away from the war-marked city.
Her shoulder throbbed. She grimaced and sat up, a hand to
her head. Something orange glimmered in the corner of her eye, on her cheek. She
wiped her hand over it, and the orange slippery glitter rested on her palm. She
wiped it on her cloak, and then scrubbed her face with the edge of the fabric. Light
peeped in from the tent opening. No guards outside, no shadows across the tent.
She reached into her belt pouch and started to put on her metal-studded gloves.
The cloak began to glow brightly. She tore it off her, and threw it. It
vanished before the fabric touched the ground. She shivered. What was that?
She rose to her knees, and rubbed the back of her aching
head. Her lips stung. Her probing fingers stopped as they felt the crusty
blood. But somehow there was no bruise on her cheek. She shook her head, and
almost wanted to laugh. “Looks like you’ve got yourself into something, Skey. Who
knew Cinote was so smart? I didn’t think those idiots could find their own
feet, let alone that map I dropped. But how did they get here so fast? Unless
Cinote had them here in the first place.”
Was that it? Had he known what she planned to do from the
beginning? Had someone realized the map was missing?
She shook her head. If they had, they wouldn’t have let her
keep it. Maps weren’t cheap, and definitely weren’t something you’d let
prisoners have.
How would he have known to send men to Beolki, anyway?
She bowed her head and sighed. Oh well. She’d just have to
figure out another way to escape him. If she could just get to one of the
Beolkin nobles’ castles… Once there, she could disappear. At least for a while.
Right now, though, she’d do better to make up a plan for getting out of this
“Miagulow. Yeah!”
Her head darted up. “What was that?”
Steel clanged. “They’ve been attacked,” she scrambled to her
feet. Her harp rested by her. She snatched it up.
Cloth ripped. The beam of light widened as she turned back
to the door, only to be darkened as a man’s form ducked in. “Ah,” he halted. “What
do we have here? A lass, it looks like.”
Skey stood up, and slung the harp over her shoulder. “A
minstrel,” the soldier laughed. “Well, you’ll come in handy. You can write a
song about our victory.”
“I write songs for no one unless I choose to.” How could she
get by him?
The burly soldier chuckled. “Ah, you’re a feisty one. That’s
good. They write the best songs.”
“Try this for a song,” Skey struck him right below the jaw.
He let out a roar. Another when she kicked his legs out from
under him. She darted past him, but he seized her ankle. She fell, and kicked
herself free. She jumped up, and ran. He was right behind her. “Get the lass.”
Skey darted around the tents. Soldiers were ducking in and
out of them, shredding the fabric with their blades. Too busy to notice her. Now
where was that gate? There. She ran toward it, and skidded to a halt. Two soldiers
had just swung it shut.
The soldier seized her arms. Fire rippled through her right
shoulder. She kicked him hard. He grunted, tightening his grip as he looked
about. “I can’t keep hold of her.”
A soldier and a captain ran toward him. One grabbed her
legs, while the captain drew his dagger. “I’d be still, if I were you.”
Skey froze as the cold metal brushed her throat. The captain
nodded to the burly one. “You take charge of her. Keo, watch her, keep your
blade drawn. We’ll see what the prince has to say.”
Keo relinquished his hold on her legs, and drew his own
knife. Skey tried not to swallow as the steel touched. The captain watched her
a moment, then sheathed his blade. “Much better. March.”
Skey scanned the camp as they headed toward the center. There
had to be another way of escape. The soldier holding her laughed. “You’re meek
enough now, lass. Tired?”
“Maybe your face finally got to her, Paylor,” the other
soldier teased.
The first glared at him. “Most like to be your face that
scared the tongue out her, Keo.”
“Perhaps she’s the wisest of you blockheads, keeping her
mouth shut that I don’t yell at her like I am at you,” the captain glared back
at them. “Now shut up.”
They reached the center of the campsite. On the other side
of it, a lad not much older than her sat tall astride his horse as he talked
with two soldiers. The general? He’s
awful young, she tried not to smirk as he ran long fingers through his
spiky orange hair, then folded his arms across his chest and laughed. He doesn’t look much like a general.
“Prince Kotua,” the captain waved, stopping Skey a few yards
away. “We’ve a prisoner.”
His ice blue eyes sparkled as he turned to them. “A
prisoner, you say? Well, she sure isn’t a prisoner I’d expect to find here. In
the Iezomen army camp.” He smiled. “A minstrel, are you? Since when does
General Siboma have a minstrel in his camp? He must’ve gotten a better sense of
humor since I last met him.”
Skey didn’t answer. What a stupid grin. As if he didn’t
expect her to reply, Kotua went on. “What shall we do with you? If only my
uncle could see you. I’m sure he’d find you like no other.” He rubbed his chin.
“Maybe I should take you with us. My uncle might like another minstrel for his
castle. Maybe he’d give me a break from looking at those state papers.”
“I sing for who I choose, and no other,” Skey pulled away
from the soldiers. They reached for her, but Kotua held up his hand. “I was
seized for no cause. I demand you release me.”
The prince laughed. He laughed way too much. “So you can
talk. I was beginning to wonder, you know.” He shook his head. “A mute
minstrel. That’s like a blind artist. Or a deaf scribe.”
“Will you release me?”
“You remind me of my uncle. He acts the same way, you know. All
business, no fun. Or at least when he has a game to win. Which’s been often
lately, considering the war and all.” He shook his head. “I’m afraid I can’t. I’ll
have to take you with me, in case you’re a spy or something like that. But, not
to worry. A few days in the dungeon and you’ll be as free as one can be. That
being, of course, that you don’t know anything that’d warrant you being dead
Her jaw clenched. She wouldn’t be imprisoned again. “You’ll
not have an easy time of it.”
“Easy or not, I still have to do it.” He looked to her
captors. “Bind her.”
Skey struck the one called Paylor as he tried to seize her,
and gave Keo a sharp kick in the side. The captain caught her about the waist. She
elbowed him sharply in the ribs. Kotua swung down from his horse, his eyes not
as laughing as they’d been. “You’ve a temper like my uncle, too.”
He grabbed her wrist. Her fist came in contact with his jaw.
He rubbed it with his other hand, but his grip didn’t loosen. “You sure hit
hard for a little lass.”
Skey’s teeth clenched. “I’m not a little lass.” A sharp kick
hit his shin.
He winced. “And you kick hard, too.” The laughter changed to
a scowl. Her other hand was trapped with her first one, as his arm seized her
about the waist. “I don’t have time for fooling around, lass. I’ve papers to
look to when I get back.”
Skey struggled to get her hands free. She drove her elbows
backwards into his ribs. “You’re getting there without me.” She wrenched away,
and sprinted toward the horse. It squealed, almost rearing as she threw herself
into the saddle. She forced it down, digging her heels into the creature’s
The steed took off as its hooves struck the ground. “Stop
her.” She glanced over her shoulder. Kotua stumbled after her, one hand
gripping his side. A blood-drenched bandage peered through the tatters. “Don’t
let her escape.”
She kicked down a soldier who grabbed at her foot, and
charged on. The gate was still closed, but it and the walls weren’t much taller
than the prince. This horse could jump over it, given a running start. She
drove her heels harder into the beast’s sides. Her heart kept time with its
hooves. The horse had to make it. “Come on,” she whispered in its ear. “You can
do it, boy. It’s only a little jump.”
“To the gate. Come on. It’s closed. She can’t possibly
Didn’t he realize the power of his own horse? Good thing she
had taken it then.
The gate loomed up in front of them. The horse stiffened. “You
can do it, boy.”
“Make sure the gate’s secured,” the prince was still behind
her. “I don’t want her slipping through.”
“I know you can. Just don’t think about it.” The pupil of
its eye grew wide as they neared the gate. “Just jump when I say. Okay?” Her
eyes scanned the wooden structure, the only barrier between her and freedom. “Ready?”
The horse’s eye grew wider, but he didn’t slack his pace. “Stop
her.” Skey smiled at the dismay in the prince’s voice. So he finally realized
what she planned to do? Took him long enough.
She leaned closer in to the horse. The time had come. “Jump.”
They were flying through the air, the wind whipping against
their bodies. The hooves struck the ground hard on the other side of the gate. She
clenched her teeth against the jar, her rear bouncing hard against the saddle. “Now
run,” Skey hissed.
There was no need. The speed the horse had built up kept him
going. The gate burst open. She glanced back over her shoulder. A group of
horsemen urged their steeds after her. Prince Kotua rode at their head, no
smile on his face now.
“She must be a spy, or a deserter. We can’t let her get
She spurred her horse on faster, toward the city looming up
ahead. Smoke and char wafted from the blackened ruins visible through the
sagging gates. She coughed, her eyes watering. So that general had attacked
this city. But he’d lost. Those chasing her now weren’t the same that had captured
her before.
They were gaining. Foam gathered on her horse’s mouth,
flying back and spattering her cheek. Its sides heaved under her, its gait
slightly off. It wouldn’t be able to go much farther. She glanced up at the
city. They were almost there. If they could only make it. “Come on, my friend. You’re
tired, I know, but we’re almost there. Just a little farther, and you’ll be
able to go where you please. They’ll never find me in there.”
“We’re gaining on her,” Kotua’s voice was close enough to make
her uneasy. “Come on, only a little farther.”
She turned her eyes to the wall. The moments passed like
hours. “Come on. Only a few yards more.”
The wall reared itself up but a yard in front of them,
broken here and there but mostly still intact. Skey wheeled the horse from it,
and jumped off. Her fingers clawed at the rocks, as she scrambled up over them.
She lost her footing when her hands reached the edge, and she hung there for a
moment until she was able to scramble onto the top. “She’s on the wall,” Kotua
grabbed the reins as the riderless horse bucked and reared. “Easy, boy, easy. After
her,” he waved his men on. “If she escapes, it’ll not be well for the one who
caused it.”
Skey scrambled away from the edge, and catapulted herself
off toward the guardhouse roof. Arrows whistled in her wake, and struck the
wall by her as she clawed at the edge of the roof. “I didn’t say I wanted her
dead,” Kotua’s voice rose over the wall, over the sound of men running toward
the steps down and other running through the city gates. “I want her alive,
unhurt, if possible.”
Like that was going to happen. No more dungeon days for her.
She scrambled onto the roof, and scuttled across the shingles, making for the
lower part of the roof. She jumped down, and took off to the other side of the
city. Armor clanked and men yelled right behind her. If she could escape them
long enough to hide… She’d give them the slip come nightfall.
“There she is.” She glanced back. They were barely a score
of yards behind her. They were fast, even in mail. She bowed her head to the
wind, and ran even faster.
The gap widened as she veered left. An alley loomed up
ahead. She sprinted to the opening, slipping in just as the guards rounded the
corner. She pressed herself against the shadowed wall, and held her breath as
they passed by. As their footsteps sounded down the road, she let out a sigh of
relief, trying not to breathe in the rotting vegetables and human filth. She
was safe. For now at least.
Green filled her vision, the pin feathers sprouting. As a dingy
gray sparrow she flew up and away from the war-marked city.
* * *
That's the end of Chapter Four Part Two. I hope you enjoyed it. For right now, Thorn Changer is available exclusively on Amazon. Feel free to share this excerpt, just please include all text between the asterisks (* * *), as well as a link to Thorn Changer's Amazon page. This will give your viewers a link to where they can purchase Thorn Changer if they're interested. Thanks.
Chapter Four Part Three will be available tomorrow.
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